Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ya Allah , Bantulah Mereka ~

sekali lg , kian deras air mataku mengalir lepas tgk beberapa gambar anak2 & rakyat palestine yg cedera parah selepas serangan ganas zionis xguna 2 . aku terasa lemah sgt sbb xmampu nak bantu secara fizikal . klau diikutkan hati , nak ja p palestine 2, nak join hammas berperang demi Yg Esa & tmpat suci kta. Ya Allah , hanya doa yg mampu ku panjatkan. Dengarlah rintihan ku Ya Allah . aku xsanggup melihat kanak2 menderita kesakitan . XSANGGUP ! sama2 lah kita muhasabah dri . apa yg telah kita lakukan untuk membantu saudara kita d seberang sana ? dgn makan kfc ? mcd ? bli barang2 yg dah tersenarai boikot !? sedar lah hai umat nabi sekelian alam , Boikot lah apa yg patut . kasihanilah saudara kita nun jauh d gaza . Rajin2 kan la diri bangun merintih dan bertahajud kepada Sang Pencipta . Agar segalanya berakhir secepat yg mungkin . Amiin~ palestine 09 Pictures, Images and Photos cday lahh ! palestine 09 Pictures, Images and Photos bantulah mereka ya Allah , palestine 09 Pictures, Images and Photos lagu ni bertajuk WE WILL NOT GO DOWN (Song for Gaza) (Composed by Michael Heart). cday lagu ni. tp ni juz lirik dia . nak dgr lagu ? just open link ni k href=""> . ni lirik dia~ WE WILL NOT GO DOWN (Song for Gaza) (Composed by Michael Heart) Copyright 2009 A blinding flash of white light Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight People running for cover Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive They came with their tanks and their planes With ravaging fiery flames And nothing remains Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze We will not go down In the night, without a fight You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools But our spirit will never die We will not go down In Gaza tonight Women and children alike Murdered and massacred night after night While the so-called leaders of countries afar Debated on who’s wrong or right But their powerless words were in vain And the bombs fell down like acid rain But through the tears and the blood and the pain You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze We will not go down In the night, without a fight You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools But our spirit will never die We will not go down In Gaza tonight

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